As I've written before, we've signed up for a farm share this winter. It's worked out well so far. For the last 3 weeks, we've received organic strawberries - a rarity in the winter in New England and a very welcome treat. I've been trying to get better at documenting what it is that I do with my farm share produce. Here are some tasty recipes I've made so far: (I used milk instead of 1/2 and 1/2 and reduced the whipping cream to 1 c, with 1 additional cup of milk. It came out really well and I'll definitely make it again). (This is DELICIOUS! The balsamic vinegar reduction is amazing and we drizzled it on everything from potatoes to salad for the next 3 days.)
Kale has been a ubiquitous addition to almost every box we've received so I've learned to add it to pasta sauces, cheese crepes, quiche and just about everything else we make.
By the way - the quiche that I made hit the spot. I used Martha Stewart's pate brisee recipe, minus the sugar for the crust. Then I added 4 eggs, 1/2 c cream, 1/2 c grated Parmesan, salt, pepper over sauteed kale, onion and zucchini. It was delicious. Even my 3 year old ate it once I deconstructed it into crust, veggies and eggs piles. Although, be sure to bake the crust first for about 15 minutes at 400 with beans or pie weights. Otherwise, it will be too soft.
Overall, I have to say that this has worked out very well. We're getting more acorn squash this week so we'll have to make some more of that delicious balsamic vinegar reduction.
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