For all of you who read my joyful post about my newly growing tomato will take part in my heartbreak. Just this morning, I had to resort to euthanasia of the tomato for a suspicious black growth at the bottom (see image). The leaves on the large plant had also started growing black spots and the yellowing and dying. I've been cutting them and tonight, I noticed that my newly potted 3rd pot has become infested with a population of tiny little bugs (tiny, knat size) crawling around. By biggest worry is that whatever this thing is, it will infect the rest of my garden and goodbye dreams of tomatoes this season or beans. I started growing cucumbers in the 3rd box and they are coming in very nicely, but now, they might also have to be sacrificed along with the infected tomato plant.
Now what? Do I chug the window box and start over? How do people do this for a living? Thank you to the farmer's at our farmer's market who bring fresh, bug free produce to our market every week.
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