Sunday, July 11, 2010

Goodbye, tomatoes

Well, I've had to tear out all of my tomatoes.  So heartbreaking but absolutely necessary.  I have learned a few very important things, though.  First of all, I must start all plants early, say March or at the very latest, April, of next year.  This year, my beans and cucumbers have really been struggling: they are very small and are trying to grow in stifling heat.  Secondly, I will plant nothing close to the edges of the pots since those parts dry out and heat up the fastest.  And lastly, I will not set my hopes very high.

On the positive side, the alpine strawberries I planted at my parents' house are prospering and we are getting about 3-4 strawberries a day.  This weekend, I separated the 4 bushes into a bigger space (thanks to my husband and my dad who dug soil and fenced it off from deer and rabbits).  I planted only 2 bushes last year, so the fact that there are now 4 is encouraging! It's really great to reap rewards of your work, even if it's only 3-4 little strawberries a day.

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