Tuesday, March 2, 2010

One Giant Leap for a Bottle

About 2 years ago, my husband bought me a Sigg bottle. I was really excited about it. First of all, it meant that he no longer had to break his back carrying water up to our 3rd floor walkup. Second, it meant that I could take almost a liter of water with me every day. Third, I would be saving the planet from the 3-4 plastic bottles I was tossing into the recycling bin every day.

Fast forward a year or so, and we hear news that Sigg, the company who made it cool to have a non-plastic reusable bottle, announces that their bottles have a BPA-lining. I'll let you read real news to judge whether there is real merit to the reasons why they didn't release the information as soon as they knew that BPA was a problem - a whopping year before the news finally leaked out. No pun intended.

Needless to say, I've chugged the Sigg bottle and now enjoy my beverages from a stylish new SubZero bottle, free of dents and BPA (it's stainless steel). Will I ever buy Sigg again? Probably not. Would you?

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